Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Driving Related Record Checks

Motor Vehicle Record

Contact Validex

Driving RecordIs the applicant telling you that his/her driving record has no tickets or accidents? You need to know for sure. Obtaining the MVR is crucial when your employees drive for your business.

Screening an individual is just part of your challenge. You need to prove that you are scoring MVR's fairly and making hiring decisions consistently. You need to track how these screenings impact your hiring decisions.

Furthermore, you need to review the records of your current drivers regularly and without lapses. Your insurance company or internal policy may require such audits on a scheduled basis.

Validex offers the complete solution to all of these challenges. We empower you to automate much of this responsibility, reducing your HR workload to just a few quick clicks.

Features and Benefits

  • Fast turnaround time. Thanks to our proprietary data system's direct connection and automated record retrieval, Validex returns most of the MVR results within minutes.
  • Time management. The MVR service is closely integrated with our MVR Manager application, which automates much of the effort of planning, running, and tallying an audit of your drivers' records. Your staff effort shrinks to little more than clicking a Web link.
  • Fairness. The Adjudication Manager automatically applies your company standards to scoring an MVR record. All drivers are scored by the same rules, demonstrating your fairness.
  • Record keeping. Validex provides a Hire/No Hire utility that enables you to log the specific reason you took adverse action. Training. The MVR service automatically informs your users of state-specific requirements such as a signed release form, for releasing the MVR you want. All you need to know is the driver license number.
contactPartner with the Experts - Contact a Validex Account Executive for details of the Validex Motor Vehicle Record service and how we can add value to your hiring program.