Today, your employment screening program probably looks mature. Chances are, the program is more than a few years old, and people have long ago grown to expect that the process works a certain way because "that’s the way it’s always been."
fact, now is a good time to review whether your screening
program really lives up to its potential. As a part of your
risk management structure, it should be able to produce
positive answers to the following questions:
- Does the program reduce all possible risks
by complying with all relevant laws?
- Are your screens actually accessing the
data that you expect?
- Are you burdened with meeting third-party
screening guidelines that are poorly written and difficult
to understand?
Even if the answers are generally positive, a thorough review by experts in compliance can generate benefits for years to come.
Validex has been instrumental in developing background
screening policies and procedures for our clients ranging
from small business to Fortune 100 clients. We look
forward to working with your organization to ensure
that your policy is compliant and meets the needs of your
goals and initiatives.