Saturday, July 27, 2024
Criminal & Civil Histories

Global Report

Contact Validex

A growing number of employers are taking action to limit their chances of hiring persons listed on international Global Reportwatch lists for terrorism and illegal trafficking. Your company may be interested in this due to internal policies or to comply with regulations.

The Validex Global Report provides a convenient service addressing this challenging need.

The Global Report searches the following U.S. and foreign sanctions and watch lists:

  • U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)–Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) & Blocked Persons
  • OFAC–Sanctioned Countries, including Major Cities & Ports
  • Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories
  • Department of State Trade Control (DTC) Debarred Parties
  • U.S. Bureau of Industry & Security (formerly BXA)
  • Unverified Entities List
  • Denied Entities List
  • Denied Persons List
  • FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists & Seeking Information
  • FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted
  • Interpol’s Most Wanted List
  • Bank of England Sanctions List
  • Canadian Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) Sanctions List
  • United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List
  • Politically Exposed Persons List
  • European Union Terrorism List
  • World Bank Ineligible Firms

Features and Benefits

  • Demonstrates your compliance with any Homeland Security regulatory requirements that apply to your business
  • Quick and easy
  • Results are reported in less than one day
  • Validex checks a wide variety of lists to maximize the scope of the search
  • Low cost
contactPartner with the Experts - Contact a Validex Account Executive for details of the Validex Global Report and how we can add value to your hiring program.