Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Switch to Validex

Customer Service

Resolution of Problems/Issues

While most screenings finish routinely, some raise unexpected questions or issues that must be resolved. Your CSM is empowered to resolve most client issues and usually does so in the first contact by email or telephone. Some issues require more than a brief research effort. In these cases, the CSM gives you an estimated time for completion, and we respond in that period. Given the critical nature of the data and hiring processes involved, we feel that it is more important that our responses be solid and accurate than speedy. We consider this approach to be one of our core distinguishing qualities. 

Case Study: A report on an applicant for a retail position returned a county court record showing a theft charge but no disposition to the case. In the course of approving the service, the CSM recognized the omission before the final report was posted, contacted the court clerk, and tracked down a guilty verdict in the case. The CSM added this to the report, and the applicant was not hired.

Special Projects in the Normal Course of Business

Almost every day, as a distinguishing value of our customer service, we take on a range of special projects for clients. We expect our managers to help clients in a wide variety of ways such as: manage their annual driving-record audits, clarify criminal record jargon, or gather additional details on a particular report. On a more strategic level, our managers often consult with clients to improve their hiring programs. Many of the features in Validex.com have come from such efforts.

Case Studies: 1. A major client had difficulty finding the time to launch a Motor Vehicle Record audit of fleet drivers, even though most of the process is highly automated. The CSM helped the client update their list of drivers and manage the results as they came in.

2. An executive described his wish for the ability to assess how recruiters make hiring decisions as the result of screening. Validex consulted with him on his reporting needs. The result was our Hire/No Hire utility, which enabled him to identify patterns of hiring decisions among hiring locations.


contactPartner with the Experts - Contact a Validex Account Executive for details on why you should make the switch to Validex today.

Responsive Customer Service

Customer Service is Always Easy to Find

For effective employment screening, you need more than just a great Web site for processing applicants and a pleasant voice on the phone. You need a partner. Someone who knows your needs. Someone who can train your users, answer tough questions with authority, help you refine your screening strategies. Validex meets those needs with our responsive and individualized Customer Service program.

Close to 47% of our new clients come from referrals by existing clients. Our Customer Service program is a major reason, as demonstrated by our annual Customer Satisfaction surveys. 98% of our customers are satisfied with the timely resolution of screening issues by their Customer Service Manager (CSM).

Your Customer Service Manager is Dedicated to You

Validex has developed a customer service model that is unique in the screening industry. Validex assigns your company its own CSM, who is your expert contact for optimizing your screening and account management experience. For any question that arises, you deal with this single source - not a nameless voice in a call center.

Your company has unique needs for efficient screening, and your CSM keeps those needs in mind. You may want certain details on an Employment Reference or notes on a County Criminal History. Your CSM remembers how those needs differ from other clients.

Technical Consultant

Your Validex CSM is always available to explain legal terminology in court records, drug test results, or Social Security verifications.

Case Study: A user called her CSM, concerned that Validex.com would not allow her to enter a Social Security number that began with “9.”

The CSM explained that no valid SSN’s begin with “9” and that Validex.com is programmed to know this. The CSM suggested that the applicant probably provided a Federal Tax ID Number or an Alien Registration Number that began with “9.” The client got new information from the applicant.

Training Support

A strength of the secure site at validex.com is its ease-of-use. As a result, most new users need only a few minutes to get “up-to-speed” on processing their service requests, obtaining reports, and using other features. To ensure the productivity and satisfaction of all users, your CSM is available for impromptu or scheduled training.

Case Study: A user wanted additional services on an applicant screened previously. The user recalled from his initial training that this can be done without taking the time to re-enter the applicant data, but he could not recall the details. His CSM easily explained the steps, and the user entered the new request in a few seconds.